Full course description
This course will present the following topics and concepts:
1.Define coronary artery disease (CAD)
2.Identify the morphological features of
the atherosclerotic lesions
3.Identify the WHO guidelines for making
the diagnosis of CAD
4.Identify the AHA/ACC guidelines for door
to treatment times with
regard to ACS
5.Identify steps in evaluating the patient
for ACS
6.Identify the physical findings of CAD
7.Identify target organ damage associated
with CAD
8.Identify the metabolic syndrome
9.Identify the clinical hallmarks of
myocardial injury
10.Identify typical cardiac pain symptoms
11.Identify unlikely descriptors of CAD
12.Differentiate between prinzmetal’s
angina, stable angina, and unstable angina
13.Identify differing factors for gender
specific ACS
14.Identify the clinical hallmarks of
myocardial ischemia
15.Differentiate between stable, unstable,
16.Identify several myocardial mimics
17.Identify the BIO markers used today to
determine if there is a myocardial infarction
18.Identify how soon CK and Troponin levels
rise, peak, and falls back to normal
19.Identify the six most common causes of
chest pain
20.Identify the limitations of cardiac
21.Identify non cardiac causes of elevated
Troponin levels
22.Identify the nursing management of chest
23.Identify the medical therapy for acute
myocardial infarction
24.Identify the components of an immediate
general nursing assessment of the chest pain patient
25.Identify treatment option for ACS
26.State why the ECG is the gate keeper in
the diagnosis of STEMI, NSTEMI, unstable, and stable angina
27.State the clinical importance of proper
recording, reading the 12-18 lead ECG
25.Identify which leads look at which areas
of the heart and identify the associated culprit arteries
26.Identify the landmarks for the precordial
chest leads and how to move them to obtain the 15-18 lead ECG
27.Identify 5 patterns suggestive of
myocardial infarction
28.Identify 10 patterns suggestive of
myocardial ischemia
29.Identify what is meant by indicative and
reciprocal changes in the ECG
30.Identify the most common patterns
associated with myocardial ischemia
31.Identify an inferior infarction, leads
associated, and common complications
32.Identify a an inferior-right ventricular
infarction, leads associated, and common complications
33.Identify an inferior posterior
infarction, associated leads, and common complications
34.Identify anterior-septal infarction,
leads associated and common its complications
35.Identify a antero-lateral infarction, leads
associated, and common complications
36.Identify a global infarction Identify the
most lethal arrhythmia associated with myocardial infarction