
CVN 107 Non Invasive and Interventional Cardiology

Time limit: 60 days
2 credits

$25 Enroll

Full course description

This course presents the following topics and concepts: 
Types of non invasive testing for cardiac patients
Electrocardiography – 12-lead and bedside monitoring
Holter monitoring
Event monitoring
Carotid ultrasound
Carotid stenting
Graded exercise test
Pharmacological stress test
PET imaging
Cardiac MRI
Cardiac CT scan
Cardioversion and anticoagulation
Interventional care
TIMI flow
Indications for cardiac catheterization
Pre-cath preparation
RN pre cath routine
Reasons for right and left heart caths
Risks associated with heart cath
Radial artery catheterization procedures
Modified Allen’s test
ASA, Plavix, Effient, & Brilinta (how they match up)
Patient teaching post cath
Stent implantation
Stent restenosis
Nursing responsibility post procedure
Sheath removal
Potential complications of sheath removal
Patient education for sheath removal
TAVI or TAVR to repair inoperable aortic valve